Welcome back for my second newsletter, I’m happy you are still with me! Thanks for all your responses to the first one.
Whats next?
– visit another volcanic region, Auvergne, to meet Charlélie.
– visit Cérilly for material testing, to prepare for the residency at Polymorphe Corp.
– 3 weeks chantier participatif (collective construction site) to build outdoor infrastructure for the orchard ‘Verger de Vincent’ in Xirocourt (Association Être Éco Lié).
sign up for the chantier participatif here!
– 3 weeks residency at Polymorphe Corp. We’ll construct a bread oven from rammed earth (Pisé).
– 2 weeks chantier participatif in Brussels with the project RECUP TON QUARTIER _ RECUP JE WIJK. We will construct a pizza oven from waste materials on site.
Things to share
– [Paris] 20 May from 13h place du Châtelet, protest in support of the LEO which is fighting against its expulsion in court that day. If you like to join in, please sign up via mail beforehand: fleuves@protonmail.com
– [Paris] sign the petition in support for the LEO: https://agir.greenvoice.fr/
– [Haute Loire] Les Soulèvements de la Terre (Haute Loire), 22/23/24 May
– [music] Music from 1st of May in Saint Étienne: Dominique Grange
– [recipe] Brioche de Clémence
– [recipe] Pizza dough of the IBM
Ways to support me
– Tell your friends about my journey, and help me meet people who can help me. Share this link to sign up for the newsletter: http://eepurl.com/dq9o2D
– Where can I go next? Do you want to host me?
– If you want, you can give me financial support. You can fund me on Tipee, you’ll get something in exchange: https://de.tipeee.com/pleasure-in-scarcity/
My Fiat as a mobile atelier
Since I am on the road, I built myself two shelves, a multi-functional chair (= toilet) and a rocket stove for cooking to economise on gas. This rocket stove is the first one in 1,5 years that I built exclusively for myself! (Still broken my gas stove…)
Also, I am working on a small wind generator with hand carved wooden blades and an old hoverboard motor.
Workshop in Saint Etienne
I was invited by students of the M2 ‘design espace’ department at ENSADSE, for a one-day workshop at the Cité du Design in Saint-Étienne. The goal was to build a rocket-stove-bread-oven in one day.
I’m always very excited to do workshops like this. Thank you to all the motivated people and persistent people who collected materials and joined in.
I spent a few days in Saint Étienne, where I met a bunch of kind and engaged people. I’m sure it wasn’t the last time for me to visit.
Volcano landscapes in Ardèche
Due to ongoing restrictions in France, my residency at Polymorphe got postponed. Instead, I’m discovering the national parks of France. I made my way through the Pilat next to Saint Étienne, and found myself in a beautiful landscape created by volcanos and shaped by glaciers, the Ardèche. I stayed to take a few days off.
Tour à Eau by Gilles Clément
Two years ago I met Gilles Clément in Paris. Last week I came across his work in Ardèche, almost by accident. It’s a water tower made from solid rock, that collects water on the inside. It is located right next to the source of the Loire river next to the Mont Gerbier de Jonc, exactly on the line separating the streams going either to the Atlantic or to the Mediterranean Sea.
Baking bread in Boussoulet
After meeting her in Saint Étienne, I visited Clémence in Boussoulet, a village located in the low mountains of the Haute Loire departement. She is currently doing a CAP Boulangerie (bakery apprenticeship).
In Boussoulet, every two weeks, she bakes bread together with another baker, Manon.
In this region, even small villages have their own bread oven. They are maintained by the village community and managed as common property. Anyone with “smoke coming out of the chimney 6 months a year” is free to use them.
The three of us baked 50kg of sourdough bread, 10kg of Brioche and 5kg of Baguette.
La Garde-Guérin
Next to the medieval village La Garde-Guérin which is located on the top of a huge canyon carved by the Chassezac river, I found a parking with good data reception. From here I am writing this newsletter, and preparing the upcoming workshops, constructions and lectures in June and July. In between I take little hikes down the canyon or over the fields.
Until next time,
Instagram: danipar__